The story is set in 1969, a few year just after the formation of Malaysia. This is the story of Li An and her two friends (Ellen and Gina).
Ellen, young and brave and yet does not know what to do with her life.
Gina, comes from a traditional Chinese family who "fell in love" with a Punjabi guy.
Li An married the wealthy Henry who loves her very much. At first she was contended till Chester, an American, comes into her life. She was attracted to him. During the tragedy of 13 May, something happen that changed her life forever.
It was quite frustrating to read the part about Gina and her boyfriend. They said they are in love and yet they give a lot of reasons when Li An and Ellen tried to help them. It was like they are happy to be drama queen and drama king.
The plot of this book was quite predictable. But what I love about this book that it touches the relationship of all races in Malaysia.
Our Big Bad Wolf Books Haul 2020
Yay! our BBW Books box 1 and 2 had arrived. Busy with the books. Hence
only now Mamarazzi have time to blog a bit
We bought on the 4th November morning...
4 years ago